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Best Cat Litter For Rats, , , , , , , 0, Best Litter For Rats: What You Need To Know - Planet Pet,, 0 x 0, jpg, Unscented cat litter is often a safer choice for rats, as it is less likely to cause any adverse reactions.”. Trend 5: Dust-free options. Dust can be a common concern for pet owners when it comes to using cat litter for rats. Dusty cat litter can irritate a rat’s respiratory system and. While cat litter may not be the best choice, there are alternative options that can be suitable for a rat’s cage. This section discusses three common alternatives: paper. The most common option for this is an unscented 100% recycled paper cat litter, which is placed only in the litter trays so the rats get used to having toilet areas. Avoid., 12, best-cat-litter-for-rats, Vacation Destinations Unscented cat litter is often a safer choice for rats, as it is less likely to cause any adverse reactions.”. Trend 5: Dust-free options. Dust can be a common concern for pet owners when it comes to using cat litter for rats. Dusty cat litter can irritate a rat’s respiratory system and. While cat litter may not be the best choice, there are alternative options that can be suitable for a rat’s cage. This section discusses three common alternatives: paper. The most common option for this is an unscented 100% recycled paper cat litter, which is placed only in the litter trays so the rats get used to having toilet areas. Avoid.
Rats are, for the most part, easily trained to use a litter box. Some suggested litters are soft corncob litter, crushed walnut shells, Swheat Scoop, and certain cat litter.