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Can Feeder Rats Be Pets, , , , , , , 0, Feeding Pet Rats,, 0 x 0, jpg, There are four things that trouble me about purchasing a feeder as a pet. 1) Genetics 2) Socialization 3) Long term health and 4) Financially supporting feeder mills. The folks who. Can you? Yes. Should you? Probably not. It depends in the individual rat. Keep in mind that feeders are typically not bred with health and temperament in mind. However, if you got a nice. Feeder rats, typically bred as food for snakes and other carnivorous pets, can make good pets under the right circumstances. However, it’s important to remember that. Feeder rats can make as good as a companion as any other rat, but be careful in your picking. Look for any obvious health problems, such as sneezing, wheezing,., 12, can-feeder-rats-be-pets, Vacation Destinations There are four things that trouble me about purchasing a feeder as a pet. 1) Genetics 2) Socialization 3) Long term health and 4) Financially supporting feeder mills. The folks who. Can you? Yes. Should you? Probably not. It depends in the individual rat. Keep in mind that feeders are typically not bred with health and temperament in mind. However, if you got a nice. Feeder rats, typically bred as food for snakes and other carnivorous pets, can make good pets under the right circumstances. However, it’s important to remember that. Feeder rats can make as good as a companion as any other rat, but be careful in your picking. Look for any obvious health problems, such as sneezing, wheezing,.
I’ve had many feeder rats as pets (including 2 of my current rats) - really they are no different than any other mass bred rats (which most pet store rats are), which is to say the their health. Pros and Cons of feeder rats, as pets. I'm planning on getting a new rat in the near future, and I most likely cannot go to a breeder, so i will either get mine from the.