Vacation Destinations | Directions to tourist destinations and various interesting information
Christmas Palm Tree Diseases, , , , , , , 0, plant health - 1/4 of my Christmas palm dead, do I cut or leave alone,, 0 x 0, jpg, Which palm species can be infected with Lethal Bronzing Disease? LBD affects many of the palm species you’ll find in South Florida, including these familiar ones:. , 12, christmas-palm-tree-diseases, Vacation Destinations Which palm species can be infected with Lethal Bronzing Disease? LBD affects many of the palm species you’ll find in South Florida, including these familiar ones:.
There are a lot of different palm tree insects and diseases that can cause your palm to die. Identify and treat them before they kill your palm tree.
• Start scouting when trees enter their third growing season, beginning in May. • Look at older needles in the lower part of the tree. • Pay particular attention to trees that appear off-color or.