Vacation Destinations | Directions to tourist destinations and various interesting information
Difference Between Palm And Coconut Tree, , , , , , , 0, 10 Ways To Distinguish Between Coconut Tree vs Palm Tree,, 0 x 0, jpg, Coconut trees and palm trees are members of two distinct plant groups. Coconut trees (Cocos nucifera) are part of the Arecaceae family, which also contains date. , 12, difference-between-palm-and-coconut-tree, Vacation Destinations Coconut trees and palm trees are members of two distinct plant groups. Coconut trees (Cocos nucifera) are part of the Arecaceae family, which also contains date.
The most obvious difference between palm trees, in general, and the specific coconut tree, is that coconut trees produce coconut fruits, while other palm trees do not.